By means of “Olympic Turbo” (Mother Company), we created our in-house turbocharger service section offering all possible services. From diagnosis to full overhauling and from digital balancing to retrofit, Olympic Repairs team is ready to serve you.
Provided services are as follows:
Maintenance: We undertake all kind of scheduled maintenance levels according to maker’s manual
Major overhauling: Complete overhauling performed by fully experienced technicians for saving cost and time.
Troubleshooting: Foremen engineer’s qualifications enable us to diagnose and solve any problem occurs. Extended bibliography of manuals help us have a thorough understanding of any trouble.
Diagnosis: Through digital diagnostic tool we can locate in case the problem operation occurs from the turbocharger and therefore prevent any delays in trouble detection
Spare parts repair: Our service department is capable of remanufacture components like shafts, nozzle rings and blades according to maker’s instructions and apply non-destructive test to assure the qualitative outcome
Welding and reblading: Turbine blades rebuild procedure is considered the most cost-effective and reliable solution as enables us to provide blades identical to the original and increase turbocharger life.
Dynamic digital balancing: Two state of the art dynamic balancing devices receive all kind of turbochargers ensuring the final result of the overhauling procedure
Comprehensive reporting: Aforementioned services are recorded and presented to the end user through photos, charts and diagrams on a complete report issue
Riding squads: Worldwide and 24/7 support by squads comprised of Greek technicians (English language fluent speakers) with additional insurance for possible accidents
Spare parts stock: A mix of brand new and reconditioned spare parts (shafts, casings, bearings, nozzle rings, sealing bushes, blades) in our warehouse completes our complete services on turbochargers